All information about telecom assets in one place

Telecommunications providers can use Nexus to provide a internal data portal for their employees where key information relevant to the entire business is accessible. Think of locations, capacities and names of cell towers, cables, routers, hubs, data centers. But also secondary information, such as capacity and bandwidth of infrastructure and signal coverage maps.

Unleash the potential of combined data

When own asset data is combined with governmental data, a more complete picture emerges. Simple questions now become easy to answer for everyone within the organization: in which municipalities is a certain cell tower located? Which cables cross which cadastral boundaries? Nexus can also integrate asset data of other utilities (sewers, water mains, gas pipes, electric cables, urban heating), which comes in handy for planning combined maintenance work. Connecting additional data sources brings additional opportunities. Detailed population data can be fed to data-driven forecasting models to predict future capacity requirements. Local data about upcoming festivals or events can be used to allocate additional capacity ahead.

Work together with partner organizations

During (re-)construction works it is critical to be aware of activities of other utilities that might affect telecom assets. Nexus facilitates easy sharing of data and real time collaboration. In emergency situations Nexus can also be used to share network status and asset locations with local government and emergency services.