Today, Arnoud Drevijn of Spatial Insight and Erwin Vonk of StellaSpark closed a strategic partnership between both companies. The collaboration provides customers new opportunities to better integrate open data with their own proprietary data, such that they can achieve more accurate calculation results.
Arnoud explains: “We were already using the services of StellaSpark when in need of open data for our own products. By working closer together, our data warehouse solution Asset Data Integrator (ADI) gets a richer information base that allows us to do ever more valuable calculations”. Erwin confirms: “It is specifically in combination with the proprietary spatial data that customers of Spatial Insight already own, that open data becomes truly valuable. Like Spatial Insight, StellaSpark has the ambition to reduce costs for society of maintaining the built environment, for assets both above ground and underground, by better use of available data.”
Spatial Insight is a data science consultancy with 9 employees focused on data driven management of underground assets. Construction and replacement of such assets costs a lot of public money, which makes it important to take any decision about it objectively and optimally. Yet even if the optimal replacement strategy has been determined, the overall costs are still not minimal. The true cost minimum is only achieved when maintenance is coordinated between municipalities and utilities. Spatial Insight facilitates this coordination process with their SynergieNL product.
StellaSpark provides tools and services that enable efficient planning, operation and maintenance of the natural and built environment. Powered by the Nexus platform, StellaSpark is able to automatically integrate and prepare various open datasets for further processing with data systems of Spatial Insight.